10 Best Exercises For Arm Wrestling To Crush The Competition

Best Exercises For Arm Wrestling

Have you ever wanted to put your buddy in their place with a good round of arm wrestling?

Well, if you’re serious about improving your arm wrestling skills then there are certain exercises that can help you take it to the next level.

Arm Wrestling isn’t just for show-offy bragging rights, it also requires strength and agility.

Whether you’re looking for general tips or specific exercises to target certain muscle groups, we’ve got all the info you need.

So, grab some free weights and get ready – here’s our guide on the best workouts for arm wrestling success:

Related: Arm Workouts for Volleyball Players

Best Arm Wrestling Exercises & Workouts

Don’t you know how to train for arm wrestling? No worries, here is a list of arm wrestling workouts that will help you win games at will:

1.      Wrist Curls

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Wrist curls are a crucial at-home workout for arm wrestling as they specifically target the forearm flexors, enhancing the strength and endurance of the muscles responsible for wrist flexion.

A powerful wrist flexion is essential in arm wrestling, as it provides the strength needed to initiate and control offensive movements during a match.

Incorporating wrist curls into your training routine can lead to improved wrist stability and control, giving you a significant advantage in arm wrestling competitions.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Sit on a flat bench or chair with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Place your forearms on your thighs, or if on a bench, let your forearms rest on it with your wrists hanging over the edge.
  • Allow the dumbbells to roll down to your fingertips, and then curl them back up by flexing your wrists.
  • Keep your forearms steady and make the movement controlled to engage the forearm muscles effectively.
  • Perform the desired number of repetitions, gradually increasing the weight as your strength improves.

Pro Tips:

  • Start with a lighter weight to get used to the movement and prevent strain.
  • Focus on a controlled descent of the dumbbells to fully engage the forearm muscles.
  • Avoid using your body or shoulders to lift the weights; isolate the movement to your wrists.

2.      Tricep Dips

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Tricep dips play a pivotal role in arm wrestling by focusing on the triceps, the muscles responsible for extending the elbow joint.

By incorporating tricep dips into your arm wrestling training, you can develop the necessary tricep strength to resist opponent forces and maintain control during arm wrestling matches.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Find parallel bars or sturdy dip handles.
  • Grip the bars with your palms facing down and your arms fully extended.
  • Lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the ground or your forearms are at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your back straight and your chest up during the entire movement.
  • Push through your palms to raise your body back up to the starting position.
  • Adjust the difficulty by changing the angle of your body or using an assisted dip machine if needed.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears to engage the triceps effectively.
  • Control the descent to avoid unnecessary stress on the shoulders.
  • To target triceps more, lean slightly forward during the exercise.

3.      Farmer’s Walks

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Farmer’s walks contribute significantly to arm wrestling by targeting the muscles in the forearm, hands, and upper body. The exercise helps enhance grip strength, which is crucial for maintaining control and maneuvering your opponent’s arm.

As arm wrestling often involves sustained isometric contractions, farmer’s walks are valuable for improving overall arm endurance and fortifying the supportive muscles needed for a strong, resilient performance.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended by your sides.
  • Maintain a tight grip on the dumbbells and keep your shoulders back.
  • Walk forward with a brisk and controlled pace, keeping your core engaged.
  • The distance and time for the walk can vary based on your fitness level and goals.
  • Focus on keeping a straight posture and avoiding excessive swaying.

Pro Tips:

  • Maintain a neutral spine and engage your core throughout the walk.
  • Keep a firm grip on the dumbbells, and focus on your posture to avoid unnecessary strain on your back.
  • Start with a manageable weight before progressing to heavier loads.

4.      Zottman Curls

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Zottman curls provide a comprehensive workout for both biceps and forearms, making them an excellent exercise for arm wrestling.

The bicep engagement aids in offensive maneuvers, while the forearm component strengthens the muscles responsible for wrist rotation and stability.

This exercise enhances the overall arm strength required for various techniques in arm wrestling, which is why it has to be in your training plan if you are eager to know “how to win at arm wrestling.”

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended by your sides, palms facing forward.
  • Curl the weights up to shoulder height while keeping your palms facing up.
  • At the top of the curl, rotate your wrists, so your palms are now facing down.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position with your palms facing down.
  • This exercise targets both biceps and forearms due to the rotation.

Pro Tips:

  • Use a weight that challenges both your biceps during the curl and your forearms during the descent.
  • Control the rotation of the wrists during the movement to fully activate the muscles.
  • Keep your upper arms close to your body to maximize the engagement of the biceps.

5.      Seated Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension

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The seated dumbbell overhead tricep extension is particularly beneficial for arm wrestling by isolating and targeting the triceps.

This exercise helps develop the explosive strength needed for quick and powerful defensive movements.

Strengthening the triceps through overhead extensions contributes to the overall stability and resistance against opponents, enhancing your ability to counter and control the arm wrestling match effectively.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Sit on a bench with back support, holding a dumbbell with both hands overhead.
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your elbows.
  • Keep your upper arms close to your head and your elbows pointing forward.
  • Extend your arms, lifting the dumbbell back to the starting position.
  • Focus on isolating the triceps and avoid using momentum.

Pro Tips:

  • Choose an appropriate weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise.
  • Keep your elbows close to your head to target the triceps effectively.
  • Focus on a full range of motion, lowering the dumbbell behind your head without straining your neck.

6.      Hand Grippers

Hand grippers are instrumental in arm wrestling training as they focus on improving grip strength, an essential component for success in the sport.

A strong grip enables better control over your opponent’s hand and arm, making it difficult for them to execute offensive strategies.

Incorporating hand grippers into your arm wrestling exercise routine can lead to increased hand and finger strength, providing a competitive edge in arm wrestling competitions.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Hold the hand gripper in one hand, ensuring it’s positioned between your fingers and palm.
  • Squeeze the gripper together as forcefully as possible.
  • Hold the squeeze for a moment and then slowly release the tension.
  • Repeat with the other hand.
  • Gradually increase resistance as your grip strength improves.

Pro Tips:

  • Warm up your hands and wrists before starting your grip training session.
  • Perform both crushing and opening exercises to balance your grip strength.
  • Gradually increase the resistance of the gripper as your grip strength improves.

7.     Cable Wrist Curls

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Cable wrist curls provide arm wrestlers with a dynamic and adjustable resistance exercise to strengthen the wrist and forearm muscles.

The constant tension the cable provides throughout the movement helps develop muscular endurance, an asset in prolonged arm-wrestling bouts.

This exercise also allows arm wrestlers to train both flexion and extension of the wrists, promoting well-rounded forearm strength.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Attach a straight bar to a low pulley cable machine.
  • Sit or stand facing the machine, grab the bar with an underhand grip, and rest your forearms on a bench or your thighs.
  • Allow the weight to roll down your fingers toward the tips.
  • Curl your wrists upward, bringing the bar up.
  • Lower the bar back down with control.

Pro Tips:

  • Adjust the weight to a comfortable level, gradually increasing as your strength improves.
  • Maintain a stable posture and avoid using excessive body movement.
  • Control the movement both on the way up and down for maximum benefit.

Exercises For Arm Wrestling At Home

If you are unsure of how to win at arm wrestling, let’s take a look at these arm wrestling exercises with proper techniques:

8.     Single-Arm Hammer Curl

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Single-arm hammer curls are beneficial workouts for arm wrestlers as they target the brachialis, brachioradialis, and biceps muscles, contributing to overall arm strength.

The neutral grip used in hammer curls emphasizes the forearm muscles, particularly crucial for arm wrestling where forearm strength is a key factor.

By isolating each arm, arm wrestlers can address muscle imbalances and develop unilateral strength, aiding in a more balanced and powerful arm wrestling performance.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and engage your core.
  • Curl the dumbbell in one hand toward your shoulder, keeping your elbow close to your torso.
  • Lower the dumbbell back down in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat on the other arm.

Pro Tips:

  • Avoid swinging your body to lift the weight. Keep your movements controlled.
  • Focus on squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement for maximum contraction.
  • Use an appropriate weight to challenge yourself without sacrificing form.

9.     Behind-the-Back Barbell Wrist Curl

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The behind-the-back barbell wrist curl is advantageous for arm wrestlers as it specifically targets the forearm flexors, essential for maintaining a strong and secure grip during matches.

This at-home arm wrestling exercise places a unique stress on the wrist and forearm muscles, simulating the demands faced in arm wrestling.

Strengthening these muscles can enhance wrist stability, allowing arm wrestlers to resist opponent’s forces and maintain control, a critical aspect in the sport.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell with an overhand grip behind your back, arms fully extended.
  • Allow the barbell to roll down your fingers toward the tips.
  • Curl your wrists upward, bringing the barbell back up.
  • Lower the barbell down again, feeling the stretch in your forearms.

Pro Tips:

  • Start with a light weight to get used to the movement and avoid straining your wrists.
  • Keep your back straight and chest up throughout the exercise.
  • Focus on the forearm muscles during the contraction.

10. Dumbbell Rows

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Dumbbell rows are beneficial for arm wrestlers as they target the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids.

Strong upper back muscles are essential for stabilizing the shoulder during arm wrestling movements, providing a solid foundation for force transmission.

Additionally, the engagement of the biceps in this arm wrestling exercise and workout contributes to overall arm strength, supporting the pulling actions commonly involved in arm wrestling.

Step-By-Step Guide:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your body.
  • Hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight, and slightly bend your knees.
  • Pull the dumbbells toward your hips, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down in a controlled manner.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your core engaged and back straight throughout the movement.
  • Initiate the movement by pulling your elbows toward the ceiling.
  • Choose an appropriate weight to challenge yourself without sacrificing form.

Over To You

This article has explored some of the best exercises for arm wrestling that can help improve your technique, strength, and stamina.

Whether you are a beginner or looking to step up your game, consider training these different exercises regularly and you will see improved success in arm wrestling.

Don’t forget to practice proper form and technique while doing any of these exercises in order to ensure you get the maximum benefit out of them.

About the Author

Aaqib Adil

Aaqib Adil, the founder of Fitnesshues, is a passionate SEO content strategist (with over 5 years of experience in various domains) who's as crazy about cricket as he is about crafting top-notch content.
When not glued to the keyboard, he's cheering for his cricket heroes.
Aaqib delivers easy-to-read articles, blog posts, and website content that make SEO sing.

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