9 Killer Compound Chest Exercises To Genuinely Transform Your Physique

Compound Chest Exercises

Today, we are going to talk about some of the best compound chest exercises. Now, we know what you’re thinking: “Compound exercises? Isn’t that another fancy term for complicated moves only bodybuilders can do?”

Well, hold on to your dumbbells, because we’re here to debunk that myth and show you how compound chest exercises can be an invaluable addition to your workout routine, regardless of your fitness level.

It’s time to take your gym game to the next level and become the envy of every bro in the weight room.

Let’s do this:

RelatedCompound Workouts:

Compound Glute Exercises

Compound Arm Exercises

Compound Chest Exercises At Home

Moving forward, we are going to present the best compound chest workouts you can do at home:

1.     Barbell Bench Press

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The barbell bench press is a cornerstone compound exercise that offers numerous benefits for chest development.

By allowing you to lift heavy weights, it promotes overall strength and muscle mass in the pectoralis major, enhancing the size and definition of your chest.

Additionally, the involvement of the triceps and front deltoids contributes to balanced upper body strength.


  • Lie on a flat bench with your eyes directly under the bar. Your feet should be flat on the ground.
  • Grip the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your wrists are straight.


  • Unrack the bar and lower it to your chest in a controlled manner. Keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle.
  • Pause briefly at your chest and then press the bar back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms.
  • Ensure a smooth and controlled movement throughout the exercise.

Muscles Targeted:

Primary focus on the pectoralis major (chest muscles).

Secondary engagement of the anterior deltoids (front shoulders) and triceps.

2.     Dumbbell Pullover

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Dumbbell pullovers are unique in their ability to target both the chest and the lats simultaneously.

This compound chest exercise emphasizes the stretch and contraction of the chest muscles, contributing to improved muscle flexibility and overall chest development.

Including dumbbell pullovers in your routine can help create a well-proportioned and aesthetically pleasing chest.


  • Lie on your back on a flat bench with only your upper back and shoulders on the bench.
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands above your chest, arms extended.


  • Lower the dumbbell backward in an arc over your head while keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Bring the dumbbell back up to the starting position using your chest muscles.

Muscles Targeted:

Primary engagement of the chest muscles.

Also involves the lats (back muscles) and triceps.

3.     Plyometric Push-ups

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Plyometric push-ups add an explosive element to traditional push-ups, resulting in chest strength, power, and speed.

The rapid contraction of chest muscles during the push-off stimulates fast-twitch muscle fibers, contributing to a more dynamic and athletic chest development.

This at-home compound chest workout is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to improve both strength and agility.


  • Assume a standard push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.


  • Lower your body to the ground in a controlled manner, keeping your core tight.
  • Explosively push off the ground, allowing your hands to leave the ground.
  • Land softly, immediately going into the next repetition.

Muscles Targeted:

Chest muscles, triceps, shoulders.

Engages fast-twitch muscle fibers for power and explosiveness.

4.     Landmine Chest Presses

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Landmine chest presses offer a unique and versatile way to train the chest muscles.

This compound chest exercise provides a stable and controlled movement, emphasizing chest activation while minimizing stress on the shoulder joints.

The landmine setup allows for a natural pressing motion, engaging the pectoralis major, triceps, and stabilizing muscles, making it a valuable addition to chest training routines.


  • Attach a landmine attachment to a barbell, or use a specialized landmine apparatus.
  • Load the appropriate weight onto the bar.
  • Stand with your side to the landmine, holding the end of the barbell with both hands.


  • Press the barbell away from your body, extending your arms in front of you.
  • Keep your elbows slightly bent and focus on engaging your chest muscles.
  • Lower the barbell back towards your chest in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat the press, maintaining proper form throughout the exercise.

Muscles Targeted:

Targets the chest muscles, particularly the pectoralis major.

Engages the triceps and stabilizing muscles.

Compound Chest Exercises For Mass

Let’s add mass to your chest with these compound exercises and moves:

5.     Cable Chest Press

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The cable chest press provides constant tension throughout the movement, ensuring effective muscle engagement in the chest.

This exercise targets the pectoralis major while also recruiting stabilizing muscles, enhancing muscle endurance and definition.

The adjustable cables allow for a versatile range of motion, accommodating various body types and focusing on specific areas of the chest.


  • Adjust cable handles to chest height. Stand facing away from the cable machine, grab the handles in each hand, and step forward.


  • Push the handles forward, extending your arms in front of you. Keep your core engaged and maintain a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Slowly bring the handles back to your chest, resisting the pull of the cables.

Muscles Targeted:

Primary engagement of the chest muscles.

Involvement of the triceps and front deltoids.

6.     Chest Dips

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Chest dips are effective for isolating and sculpting the chest muscles. This exercise significantly loads the pectoralis major while engaging the triceps and front deltoids.

The vertical movement involved in dips enhances lower chest development, making it an excellent addition to a well-rounded compound chest workout routine for mass.


  • Use parallel bars, adjusting them to shoulder width. Jump up to hold the bars with your arms fully extended.


  • Lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the ground or slightly below.
  • Push back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms.

Muscles Targeted:

Emphasizes the chest muscles.

Involves the triceps and anterior deltoids.

7.     Chest Flyes

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Chest flyes are essential for isolating the chest muscles and enhancing the mind-muscle connection.

By focusing on the eccentric (negative) phase of the movement, flyes provide a deep stretch to the chest, promoting muscle growth and definition.

This compound chest exercise with dumbbells is particularly effective for targeting the outer regions of the chest, contributing to a well-defined and sculpted appearance.Top of Form


  • Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended directly above your chest.
  • Maintain a slight bend in your elbows throughout the exercise.


  • Lower the dumbbells out to the sides in a wide arc, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  • Feel a stretch in your chest, then bring the dumbbells back up to the starting position.

Muscles Targeted:

Isolates and targets the chest muscles, particularly the pectoralis major.

Also engages the front deltoids and triceps.

8.     Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

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The incline dumbbell bench press is highly effective for targeting the upper chest, helping to develop a well-rounded and sculpted chest appearance.

By utilizing an inclined bench, this exercise places greater emphasis on the clavicular head of the pectoralis major, contributing to overall chest development.

Additionally, it engages the front deltoids and triceps, providing a comprehensive upper body workout.


  • Adjust an inclined bench to a 30-45 degree angle.
  • Sit on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand, feet flat on the floor.
  • Start with the dumbbells resting on your thighs, palms facing each other.


  • Lift the dumbbells one at a time, using your thighs to help propel them to shoulder height.
  • Press the dumbbells up above your chest, keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner, allowing a gentle stretch in your chest.
  • Press the dumbbells back up to the starting position, extending your arms fully.

Muscles Targeted:

Primarily targets the upper chest muscles (pectoralis major).

Engages the front deltoids and triceps.

9.     Dumbbell Hex Press

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The dumbbell hex press, also known as the squeeze press, is particularly effective for isolating the inner chest muscles.

By pressing the dumbbells together during the exercise, it creates constant tension on the chest, promoting muscle engagement and development.

This exercise targets the pectoralis major while also involving the triceps and front deltoids, making it one of the best compound chest workouts for mass.


  • Sit on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, resting on your thighs.
  • Palms should be facing each other, and the dumbbells should be positioned at shoulder height.


  • Press the dumbbells together, bringing them towards the center of your chest.
  • Keep a slight bend in your elbows and squeeze your chest muscles at the top.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Muscles Targeted:

Isolates and targets the chest muscles, emphasizing the inner portion.

Engages the triceps and front deltoids.

Over To You

We have seen that compound chest exercises are great for building strength, increasing mobility, and improving posture.

By taking the time to perfect compound movements through the chest area you can improve your overall fitness levels.

However, it is important to note that these types of exercises can be strenuous and may require more caution due to the complex nature of the workouts.

About the Author

Aaqib Adil

Aaqib Adil, the founder of Fitnesshues, is a passionate SEO content strategist (with over 5 years of experience in various domains) who's as crazy about cricket as he is about crafting top-notch content.
When not glued to the keyboard, he's cheering for his cricket heroes.
Aaqib delivers easy-to-read articles, blog posts, and website content that make SEO sing.

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